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June 2, 2022

Meet the Bourne Space Members: Planet Numbers

Bourne Space is home to a whole host of brilliant businesses and each month we’ll be introducing you to them.Next up, it’s Planet Numbers...

Hi, guys. Tell us more about Planet Numbers

Started in 1999, we began as suppliers of inbound telephony solutions, memorable telephone numbers, and services, such as menu greetings and enhanced call statistics.

Since then, we’ve developed with the industry and now also specialise in hosted, cloud-based phone systems.

What services do you offer your clients, and how do you do it?

We offer business telephony solutions, including comprehensive phone systems, handsets and equipment.

We also provide cheap international calls to destinations across the world.We’re able to do this by using the relationships we’ve built with our carriers over the past 20 years and passing on the cheap rates to our customers.

Give us an example of one of your greatest achievements

We recently provided the phone systems to the Covid-19 vaccination booking lines, which we were honoured and proud to supply.

Why did you choose Bourne Space?

We thought the location and decor was really cool. We also take full advantage of the free coffees, possibly to an excessive extent...

What is the most important feature of Bourne Space for your company?

The cleanliness. It’s also nice to be greeted with a smile when we walk in, in the morning!

Tell us how the community at Bourne Space has allowed you to collaborate and/or network with other Bourne Space members.

We enjoy the social events, meeting the other members of the buildings and connecting with them.

What’s next for your business?

We’re looking to grow and develop further. Our telephony features and services are enhancing and developing every month and we’re looking forward to delivering these to our customers.

Find out more about Planet Numbers by visiting their website.